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Welcome parents!  At this interesting time in our lives, when we are unable to physically meet as a church body, we would like to encourage you to not give up the habit of coming together as a family to spend time with the Lord, growing in the knowledge of Him and loving Him more because of His great love for us.


This week’s collection of activities, videos and lessons are designed for you to use however you see fit for your family’s spiritual growth at this time. You can do all of the activities in one sitting or break it up throughout the week (as we have roughly done for you). This is our first time trying to replicate a little of what a Sunday morning or Wednesday night might look like for your child so bear with us as we work out the kinks! Feedback is always appreciated!


We are praying that your family will enjoy this lesson on TRUST.


Daily 1-2-3

  1. Check out the video.

  2. Try your own "water trust" bag with your child. 

  3. Ask your child, "What does it mean to TRUST someone?"


Daily 1-2-3

  1. Check out the video from Mrs. Flint.

  2. Pray together and thank God everything He has given you.

  3. Give each other a great big hug!


Daily 1-2-3

  1. Look up and read Psalms 118 together.

  2. Find "In GOD we TRUST" on a dollar bill.  Discuss how you and your family are TRUSTING God right now.

  3. Enjoy some praise and worship songs.


Daily 1-2-3

  1. What do you TRUST in each day? (Ex: You TRUST that your parents will feed you food sometime today. When you get into the car, you TRUST it won't fall apart going down the road.)

  2. Check out the God Story: David and Goliath video.

  3. Discuss how David TRUSTED God when he fought Goliath.


Daily 1-2-3

  1. If it is age appropriate, discuss how this is uncertain times. Yet even in these times, we can TRUST God just like David did when he battled Goliath. Nothing is too big for our God, and "His love endures forever!"

  2. Read Psalm 118 again, but this time a parent will read the first part of the verse and a child (or other parent if needed) will read the second part. (Ex: Parent: "Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good;" Child: "for his steadfast love endures forever!" Parent: "Let Israel say," Child: "His steadfast love endures forever."

  3. ​Check out the verse challenge this week. Find it in Psalm 118. Commit it to memory as a family.

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